The Difference Between Online Public School and Emergency Remote Learning


When it comes to choosing the right school for your student, 选择可能会让你不知所措, especially when you’re considering enrolling your child in a public brick-and-mortar school vs an online public school. You may have memories of your child’s school trying to make their in-person classes work with the limited resources they had during the COVID-19 pandemic. 在紧急情况下, many schools were not familiar with remote learning best practices and some students experienced significant learning loss. The experience of emergency schooling could have been enough to turn you away from online schools entirely.

但事实是, the emergency remote learning many families experienced during the pandemic is not the same as the online distanced learning families experience after they enroll their child in a public virtual school like 推荐正规买球平台.

不像紧急教育, the curriculums found in virtual schools have been specifically designed for effective online learning, providing unique opportunities for students to thrive academically in an environment where families have more control over their daily schedule and can play a more-active role in their child’s education.  


有时也被称为远程学习, emergency remote learning occurs when a typically in-person learning environment is suddenly brought into a digital classroom setting due to emergency situations. This shift can lead to challenges for many families and teachers who are not familiar with the structural and technological needs of effective online schooling.  

The type of online distance learning found in emergency online learning is not the same as online public or private schools, 虽然. So, what’s the difference between distance learning and online school? 我们很高兴你问了.


While virtual schools are also distance learning options, they are not the same as emergency online learning. Online public or private schools are remote and often highly flexible with a state-approved curriculum that works well for engaging students in an online setting because it has been purpose-built for the at-home learning environment. Almost every feature of brick-and-mortar schools can be found in virtual school programs, 包括实地考察, 接触学校辅导员, 俱乐部和活动——甚至舞会!

A student enrolled in online distance learning using a laptop.


The key difference between the distance learning in online school vs the distance learning in emergency remote school is the focus on active vs passive learning.

Active learning is when a student is actively participating in the learning process through learning activities and discussions rather than passively consuming information through videos or lectures. 

Emergency remote learning tends to be more passive by design because brick-and-mortar schools have not all adapted to the same technology and teaching methods that online schools use to keep students engaged. 没有面对面的工具, emergency remote learning often falls back on lectures and slides to teach students, which isn’t always effective when stacked up against all the usual distractions students face at home.

But in online virtual schools, the curriculum has been optimized for distance learning. 例如, 推荐正规买球平台-supported schools use a combination of LiveLessons, 小组讨论板, 一对一的交流, and much more to keep their students an active participant in their own learning. Online schools also provide tools and resources for caregivers to adapt their homes into prime learning environments. 

在这里, students and families can thrive in all the benefits of online learning vs in-person school such as:

  • 个性化的机会

  • 个性化的学术支持

  • 更灵活的日常安排 

An online school student reading a book while in online school.


If you’re trying to decide between online learning vs in-person school, 然后阅读一些推荐正规买球平台在线学校的推荐信. 你也可以退房 “A Student’s Guide to Getting Started with Online School”,找一个 你附近的联系学院支持的学校 to request an information packet, and even attend a 虚拟信息会话.

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



Explore the benefits of attending 推荐正规买球平台, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


