
Male high school student in wheelchair playing basketball and socializing with peers

说到在线教育, 大多数人都能理解它的好处,比如个性化学习, 专业教师, 以及可选择的或灵活的日程安排. 然而, the topic of socialization in online school tends to draw blank stares and puzzled faces.

It’s not uncommon for an online school student or their parents to be met with a barrage of questions from friends and 家庭. 好奇心是一个伟大的东西, and it gives online students and their parents an opportunity to dispel some of the 推荐正规买球平台网络学校的常见误解, including the biggest myth of all: Online students don’t receive proper socialization.


A 推荐正规买球平台® parent detailed one such moment to us: “I watch my kids describe the details of their online schooling life to anyone who asks. 自然, 我非常自豪, because seeing them converse like this reminds me that they’re growing into well-socialized young adults.”


Socializing for virtual school learners isn’t much different from traditional school learners. 当学生第一次转向在线教育时, 他们可能会错过面对面的小组项目, 在走廊里击掌, 或者在上课铃响之前聊聊天. 然而, once students adjust to the new virtual routine and begin to incorporate new ways of socializing, 他们经常发现自己更喜欢在线学校.

Parents are often concerned that switching to virtual learning will lead their kids to have feelings of isolation. This perception most likely comes from the fact that students are not engaging in person with other students like they would in a traditional setting. 现实是家庭之间, 课外活动, 以及当地社区的各种机会, online students can gain exposure to a variety of social environments and build important social skills without having to step foot on a traditional campus.


“I’ve come to realize that questions about socialization are a chance to help others see that distance learning works well for students when the adults in their lives—their parents, 老师, and school leaders—are as thoughtful about social development as they are about academics,这位Connection Academy的家长补充道.

A high-quality online school ensures that school socialization and the development of social skills is a key component in every student’s experience. Online schools like 推荐正规买球平台 know life is not just about academics. Connecting with other students at school and in the local community is a big part of what makes the 推荐正规买球平台 experience so enriching.


  • Online Clubs and Activities – Online students have plenty of options when it comes to student clubs, 包括诗歌, 国际象棋, 计算机编码, 以及在本地竞争的能力, 状态, 还有全国性的比赛.
  • In-Person 实地考察旅行 – Voluntary field trips are offered for students to explore all the fascinating historical sites, 动物园, 博物馆, 还有更多来自他们州的人.
  • 毕业典礼——许多在线学校都会举行面对面的毕业典礼, allowing students and families to celebrate such a milestone achievement.
  • 社区 Engagement – Online school families create tight-knit communities that coordinate local engagement opportunities for students and Learning Coaches alike.

“今天, 当提出社会化的问题时, 我向关心的朋友们保证, 家庭, and others that my children have many socialization opportunities through school clubs, 赞助实地考察, 家庭旅游, 志愿者工作, 以及社区活动,这位Connections学院的家长说.

It’s important for parents of online students to make healthy peer interaction a high priority for their kids. 和, there are plenty of ways to support your online student in exploring social opportunities outside of the classroom.


  • 与邻居的游戏之夜.
  • Physical classes or sports such as dance, hockey, basketball, karate, soccer, and gymnastics.
  • 基于爱好和兴趣的当地俱乐部,如戏剧或音乐.
  • 志愿服务 在社区里.


研究表明,对于有社交焦虑的学生来说, 网上社交更容易 而不是当面. 在线社交vs. 面对面可以减少“沟通恐惧”,” helping students with social anxiety feel more comfortable communicating and engaging with their peers and 老师.

在传统的学校环境中, 学生们每天都完全沉浸在社交环境中, 对一些学生来说, 会引起焦虑吗. 在网络环境中, students with social anxiety can “baby step” their way into social situations by engaging in bite-sized digital interactions that help prevent situational overload. 在学习环境之外, they can explore in-person social interactions that feel good to them and help build their confidence.

面对恐惧是一件很棒的事情, 但用富有同情心的人来挑战社交焦虑是很重要的, 循序渐进的方法, 而虚拟学习就是一个很好的方法.



除了它对社交焦虑的好处, online school also provides an opportunity for students to reduce social distractions and create segmentation between school and social time. 在在线学习环境中, 学生可以在没有同伴噪音的情况下专注于学习, 戏剧, 或八卦. In-person socialization can happen on its own time rather than interrupting the learning process.

Another benefit of online learning is that it leads students to socialize outside of the campus environment and instead engage in their communities, 追求传统学校课外活动之外的激情, 建立基于共同兴趣而不是接近的友谊. Online learning can be a great catalyst for crafting the ideal social life.

通过选择合适的在线学校, parents can ensure their children not only get a personalized education, but also have social opportunities that are personalized according to their needs and interests. 在连接学院, virtual school technology allows for a collaborative learning environment, 以及通过LiveLesson®课程等工具, enables real-time teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions. 一个虚拟学校毕业生,另一个紧随其后, 我现在知道,毫无疑问,我们家没有更好的选择,推荐正规买球平台的一位家长总结道. 你对在线公立学校及其好处感到好奇吗? 探索它是如何工作的,看看Connections学院提供了什么.

一个虚拟学校毕业生,另一个紧随其后, 我现在知道,毫无疑问,我们家没有更好的选择,推荐正规买球平台的一位家长总结道.

你对在线公立学校及其好处感到好奇吗? 探索它是如何工作的,看看是什么 推荐正规买球平台 必须提供.

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



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