

吃早餐有帮助 students stay fueled throughout the first half of their day. Yet, life happens, people run late, and sometimes there may not be time for breakfast. But skipping breakfast may mean that a student is missing out on important benefits from the meal.


Research finds that eating breakfast can help students in multiple ways, 特别是学生的营养, 总体幸福感, 在学校的表现.


A 纵向研究 found that children and teenagers who regularly skipped breakfast grew into young adults who did not typically eat highly nutritious meals.

吃早餐可以保持一个人的活力 血糖在正常范围 and reduce feelings of extreme hunger throughout the morning and afternoon. 通过吃早餐, students can reduce the chances of experiencing blood sugar crashes during the day, which can cause them to feel ravenous hunger outside of mealtimes.


吃早餐有帮助 避免上午精力不足或情绪低落. One study even found that adolescents who regularly skipped breakfast were more likely to 经历压力、焦虑和抑郁.


的 美国儿科学会 finds that eating breakfast helps students have more energy and better concentration during school than if they skipped breakfast. 研究还表明,吃早餐的学生 在测试中表现更好 并能更好地完成具有挑战性的脑力任务. So, a healthy breakfast before a test really can make a difference.

研究还发现,吃早餐的学生 取得更好的成绩 and achieve higher standardized test scores on average than students who skip breakfast.



So, if breakfast is so important, why do some students still skip it? 每个学生的需求都是不同的, but the most common reasons students miss out on breakfast are lack of time and because they might not feel hunger in the mornings.



学生们可能会纠结于 时间管理 早上或者只是偶尔跑到很晚. So, 早餐最终被错过了, especially by those students who attend brick-and-mortar schools. 

让早餐更容易吃, consider having easy-to-grab nutritious snacks or preparing food the night before so that the student can have a full meal ready. 此外,考虑 养成健康的睡眠习惯 to help your student start their morning routine without feeling rushed.


有时,学生 可能不觉得饿 所以他们完全不吃东西,直到午餐. 每个人的饥饿信号都是不同的, and students shouldn’t feel obligated to eat if they do not want to, skipping meals in adolescence can have unintended effects on a student’s day and their ability to focus on their learning.

如果你的学生说他们早上不饿, consider encouraging them to keep some light meals on hand like carrots and hummus, 或者奶酪和饼干, with them should hunger strike before they can break for lunch. 



Students might not eat breakfast because they may not be sure what food will help them feel ready for the day, 或者它会让他们血糖崩溃. This is why it’s important to speak with your child’s doctor or a dietitian to help them make healthy food choices and better understand 什么是营养?.

So, to help, here are some easy breakfast ideas students can pull together before school. Let yourself and your student get creative and have fun with these ideas.

你要记住这一点 食物没有好坏之分,还要记住,任何食物都可以是早餐食物. A healthy breakfast is one that fits your student’s individual needs and tastes, 不仅仅是麦片货架上能找到的东西. 


Grains, such as oats, provide the body with fiber, minerals, and vitamins. 谷物也可以 降低胆固醇 降低患心脏病和糖尿病的风险.

Overnight oats is a great breakfast you can prepare the night before. Take ½ cup of old-fashioned oats (not quick oats) and add ¾ cup of a liquid, 比如牛奶, 坚果牛奶, 豆奶, 燕麦牛奶, 或水. Try various mix-ins of fruits, 坚果, or 堵塞 for different flavor combinations. 有些想法是葡萄干, 香蕉, 芡欧鼠尾草种子, 亚麻籽, 酸奶, 白软干酪(相信我们), 还有巧克力片. 可能性是无限的,所以尽情享受吧.


蛋白质有助于 身体恢复与修复 它本身在人体免疫系统中起着重要的作用.

Scrambled eggs are a classic source of breakfast protein because they are quick to make and can be customized by adding meat, 奶酪, 或蔬菜. 如果你的孩子是一个挑食的人,这是很好的, 因为他们可以选择浇头, 或者如果你的孩子想尝试一些冒险的东西, 比如不同种类的奶酪混合在鸡蛋里.


乳制品中含有 有益的钙和维生素D that can help children grow strong bones and have healthy immune systems. If your student is lactose intolerant, then consider getting lactose-free versions of dairy products.

Yogurt parfaits are a fun breakfast for kids because they can create a food masterpiece! 在不同的碗里, 布置各种混合选项, 比如覆盆子, 蓝莓, 橙子, 坚果, 堵塞, 和麦片. 然后, using a clear glass or bowl, help your child layer their parfait to craft a colorful breakfast. This can be great family fun and a positive way to start the day.


早餐吃蔬菜? 听我们说完.

Vegetables contain potassium, fiber, folic acid, vitamin A, and vitamin C. 他们可以 降低患糖尿病的风险 还有心脏病.

为了一顿蔬菜早餐, 混合菠菜, 羽衣甘蓝, 胡萝卜配水果和液体,如牛奶, 杏仁奶, 酸奶, 或者把果汁做成美味又营养的冰沙. 如果你的孩子不喜欢绿色的东西, then add 蓝莓 to darken the color and 香蕉 to mask any vegetable flavors. You can also add vanilla or almond extract to hide the veggie flavor. 


水果含有 纤维和维生素C which help our immune systems stay healthy and aid our bodies in healing.

For something fun and unique, try banana ice cream for breakfast. Freeze a peeled banana the night before and mash it up in the morning. 口感会像冰淇淋一样柔滑甜美. 然后, 鼓励你的孩子添加有趣的配料来增加口感, 比如花生酱, 格兰诺拉麦片, 坚果, 或者冷冻干燥的水果. 这是一个快速和充满活力的早餐为整个家庭.

Research shows that the benefits of breakfast include positive impacts on students’ nutrition, 总体幸福感, 学习成绩. Encourage your student to eat breakfast by explaining why breakfast is important, 帮助他们腾出时间, 讨论营养选择. 早餐可以是一项有趣的家庭活动, and it can be a time for a family to sit down and begin the day together.

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