
Image of two young female students who are both drinking a glass of water.

Not drinking enough water throughout the day can impact a person’s health 和 academic performance, 但是你知道孩子们一天应该喝多少水吗? Learning Coaches 和 caregivers can help their students drink enough water to stay healthy 和 on track with their learning plan 和 activities throughout the day.


根据 孩子的健康在美国,儿童和青少年在成长过程中平均需要更多的水. 儿科医生建议:

  • 4 - 8岁的孩子每天喝4杯水

  • 9 - 13岁的孩子每天喝7-6杯水

  • 14 - 18岁的人每天喝8-11杯水 

人们应该 每磅体重要喝近半盎司的水. For example, if your child weighs 100 pounds, they should be drinking about 50 ounces of water daily. 这相当于6杯8盎司多一点.

Encourage your student to have a glass of water with each meal 和 carry a water bottle with them so that they can sip throughout the day. 鼓励他们不仅喝水,还要喝其他的 补水饮料,如牛奶.  牛奶含有蛋白质和一些脂肪,可以减缓液体的排空, 使身体保持更长时间的水分. 不要喝果汁和苏打水,因为它们不太补水.

因为每个孩子的健康需求是不同的, it’s important to seek advice from your pediatrician who can give specific advice when it comes to how much water your child is drinking 和 if you should increase water intake.


当孩子们没有喝足够的水时,他们会脱水. 脱水的迹象包括:

  • 头疼

  • 头晕

  • 麻烦把 

  • 冲洗皮肤

  • 尿频或尿色深

  • 抽筋 

  • 快速脉冲 

  • 感觉太热或太冷

  • 困了

  • 口干舌燥

如果你的孩子经常出现这些症状, 咨询你的儿科医生, 谁能帮助确定饮水不足是否可能是罪魁祸首. 

Image of a young female 推荐正规买球平台 student in a pink dress wearing a bicycle helmut 和 is drinking a metal container full of water.


当你的孩子没有得到足够的水, there are some things you can try to do to increase their daily water intake.


当你探索如何让孩子们喝水的时候, 考虑下载一个水分追踪和提醒应用程序. 这里有一些应用程序可以帮助你追踪. These apps help children to pace themselves when it comes to their daily water intake. 因为身体一次只能处理这么多的水, health issues can arise when too much water is consumed at the same time.


Tummyfish为 iOS安卓 帮助孩子们了解喝水的重要性. By using rewards 和 games, kids can gradually form good water-drinking habits. Learning Coaches 和 caregivers can create a Tummyfish 和 set notifications for when children need to drink water. The app tracks water consumption 和 progress by giving weekly 和 daily statistics. Kids can play games 和 see how water 和 sugary drinks affect the Tummyfish 和 her environment. 这个应用程序推荐4-12岁的孩子.


植物的保姆 is a customized water tracker 和 drink water reminder game aimed at getting users to drink more water 和 meet their water intake goals. As kids document each glass of water they drink, they make the plants on the app grow. Caregivers 和 Learning Coaches can help kids set a daily schedule so that they are getting enough water 和 help to keep their online plants growing. 也有一些提醒来帮助孩子们走上正轨. Charts mark progress so kids 和 adults can see when daily goals are met. 植物保姆推荐给4岁及以上的孩子.


加入一些他们喜欢的切片水果, 浆果, or cucumber slices into the water pitcher or try a water bottle with a built-in infuser. 有些孩子喜欢这种水的味道,而不是普通的水. Be sure not to add too much fruit, though, because you don’t want the water to become too sugary.


If access to water is an issue, encourage children to carry a water bottle with them. 允许孩子挑选他们喜欢的水瓶. 给他们一个选择, it offers them a sense of ownership 和 may help to increase water intake, 因为他们每天都很乐意带着它. There are many trendy bottles 和 cups on the market now that allow kids to make a water bottle an accessory. You may also want to find a larger bottle with different ounce markings so they know how much water they should be drinking. Many times, kids simply don’t know when 和 how much water they should be drinking. Setting reminders to drink hourly can also help to increase water intake. 



当孩子喝太多含糖饮料时,通常 他们没有喝足够的水 以满足他们的日常需求. 研究人员相信 过多的糖会导致脱水——即使是在饮料中. 这可能是由于糖和水在细胞内相互作用的方式. 摄入更多的糖可以使体内的细胞转移更多的水分, making children go to the bathroom more frequently 和 they can become dehydrated before their cells can absorb all the water.


Teens who may opt for coffee 和 tea need to watch their caffeine intake. While drinks like black coffee or plain tea can help to meet water intake requirements, 他们可以 脱水效果 当喝得太多或添加糖、奶油或调味糖浆时. 而不是, encourage your teen to drink a full glass of water along with their caffeinated drink to balance out the effects.

留意他们的 能量饮料消费量 as well because these drinks are high in sugar 和 caffeine 和 low in water. 当他们还在向他们的系统中注入水的时候, they’re not getting as much hydration as they would with a regular glass of water.


Be a good role model for your child by drinking more water instead of soda, 汁, 或者其他含糖饮料. 如果他们看到你这样做,他们可能更倾向于跟随你.


When students are studying, they may not eat well or forget to eat at all. 鼓励他们采取 健康的学习休息时间 这包括水和营养零食. This will give them the fuel they need to get their work done while staying adequately hydrated.

By knowing how much water a child should drink 和 how much water a teenager should drink, you can help your child stay healthy 和 alert during their school lessons. If you are unsure whether your child is drinking enough water every day, 咨询你的儿科医生. They can give you the best advice for your child 和 their specific dietary needs based on their weight 和 other factors.

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background 和 a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



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